Friday, 1 February 2008

Servant's Quarters: Attumen the Huntsmen

Welcome to my second installment of my series looking into Karazhan, looking at the first and easiest boss Attumen the Huntsmen and his trusty steed Midnight. Some of these posts will be relatively short, others much longer, depending on the complexity of the fights.

The fight isn't particularly long or mana intensive, so unless you tend to have mana problems you will want to be buffed to increase your damage. For paladin buffs I prefer to have salvation for this fight as there is an aggro reset during the fight and this will allow you not to have to hold back too much on dps.

The fight starts off with one of your tanks enganging Midnight, begin dps as soon as the tank has some threat, being careful not to overaggro. When Midnight is at 95% Attumen will spawn and should be picked up by the second tank in the raid. Raid dps should continue on Midnight at this point and continue until Midnight is at 25%.
At this point Attumen will mount Midnight and all threat will be wiped, dps should be stopped at this point until the tank has picked up the boss and started to build up threat. Now he simply has to be nuked down until dead.

The one thing you have to watch for as a mage is Intangible Presence, about every 30 seconds Attumen will cast an AOE curse targeting multiple random raid members. It reduces their chance to hit with melee, ranged and spells by 50% and as a mage you have to help remove this. I recommend you dispell the tanks first to allow them to continue with their threat generation, then any others who have the curse. There are add-ons such as Decursive which are helpful when dispelling.

Once he is down there are a few pieces of loot that a mage may be interested in. Harbinger Bands are nice entry level epic bracers, he also drops gloves that are great for the hit rating and a ring that you may want to pick up. You will be able to pick up better equipment further into Karazhan, but any of these will work well for a mage in the meantime. He drops one Badge of Justice for everyone in the raid.

If you get really lucky there is a very small chance he will drop a rare mount and you will get to ride around on the huntsman's steed. Rare mounts such as this have a certain cool factor to them, mainly due to the drop rate of about 0.5%. Also if you happen to have engineering this Schematic may drop for you as it did for me just a couple of weeks ago :)


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