Friday, 8 February 2008

Does WoW need another party role?

Another shared topic on Blog Azeroth asks the above question. My initial response would be no. Currently there is the standard tank, healer and dps trinity of roles, CC/utility is arguably another but there is no pure utility class as of yet.

There are suggestions for new class roles, but while they sound plausible they would be difficult to implement due to class balance and whether they would fit into WoW in it's current state.

It would be nice to see another class role in the future if Blizzard were able to implement it well, but for now I'd say WoW is suited to the current party roles and until I see a flawless suggestion for another class with a different role my mindset will likely stay that way.

Check out the forum to have a look at other views on the subject.



Anonymous said...

glad you responded to the topic!

great blog you got here.

Fuzzbip said...

Thanks :) Glad you like it, I'll try and keep up with the shared topics, a good way to keep me posting and get in contact with fellow bloggers